About Scene

What is Scene?

We are a social enterprise focused on growing the community energy sector. We carry out detailed research on the technological, social and financial aspects of community energy, attempting to identify and breakdown the barriers to growth. Towards this goal, we are involved in promoting effective policy change and financing mechanisms by working with innovative partners in the field. Our flagship project, Scene Connect, is the most comprehensive database of community renewable energy in the UK, and we have recently extended to the Netherlands, and are in the process of expanding globally. We also offer consultancy services to community energy groups, acting with and on their behalf to understand their options, plan and develop projects and help to involve their broader communities.

What do we do?

We encourage local renewable energy development by promoting models of best practice, engagement all project partners and streamlining of investment in community-owned projects. Through our suite of services, we want to move community energy from a grant-dependent luxury toward a secure investment opportunity, beneficial to all who get involved.

How do we do it?

Scene fills the engagement gap between investors and communities by building cross-sector partnerships between project leads, consultants, turnkey providers and financiers. We also aim to maintain a thorough understanding of trends, barriers and levels of success and uptake in community energy through our flagship project .

Our niche

Communities everywhere are becoming more reliant on the private sector for building and financing their sustainable energy projects. But many community champions lack the time, resources and experience required to meet private sector demands. Scene helps communities to engage full-on with the private sector. We foster and promote joint ventures which favour increased community involvement through ownership. Our aim is to work in regions across the globe where renewable energy provides an opportunity to create resilient communities though a lessened dependence on conventional fossil fuels.

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