Engaging with Communities in Renewable Energy: A Business Forum - Friday 30 March 2012
09:30–16:30, Friday 30 March 2012
Edinburgh Centre for Low Carbon Innovation, 15 South College Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AA
Click here to find out how to get to the forum
This forum will offer you and your business the opportunity to:
- Explore examples of community engagement as a key factor in renewable project success
- Spread ideas of best-practice models for community engagement by the private sector
- Delve into issues and opportunities in community renewable technologies:
o Wind
o Hydro
o Heat
- The Edinburgh Centre for Low Carbon Innovation (ECCI)
- The United Kingdom Energy Research Council (UKERC)
- The Sustainable Community Energy Network (SCENE)
- The University of Edinburgh
Nicola McEwen
Nicola is Co-Director at the Institute of Governance and Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Edinburgh. She has published widely in the field of territorial politics and multi-level government, and is actively involved in informing debate within the wider policy and political community, through media work, consultancy and public engagement. She is currently engaged in projects on intergovernmental relations, voter participation and multi-level environmental politics. The latter includes the EnGAGE Scotland project, which investigates community energy action in Scotland, funded by the UK Energy Research Centre.
Conference chair
Phillip Bruner
Phillip is Co-Founder and Business Development Executive for the Scottish Global Relations Forum (SGRF), a new initiative sponsored by the Edinburgh Centre on Climate Change (ECCC) and Core Solutions Group, which has been set up to advance Scottish leadership on low carbon project delivery across regional and national borders. As a part-time PhD(c) in politics at the University of Edinburgh, he specialises in sub-state climate change diplomacy in Western Europe and has been active in building bridges between academics and practitioners in this field. In June 2010 he organised ‘Environment, Energy, Economy: Scottish Solutions To Global Economic And Climate Crises’ to address co-ordinated action on climate change and energy security in the context of fiscal restraint. Phillip is also a Co-Founder and Board Member of the Sustainable Community Energy Network.
Fees & Registration
The forum costs £40 per person. Due to limited space, we ask participants to register as soon as possible with Vijay Bhopal, email: ; tel: 077 9529 2872
Getting There
The Community Engagement Business Forum will take place at the Edinburgh Centre for Low Carbon Innovation, 15 South College Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AA; Tel: 0131 650 5326
Map of event location
Local Travel Services
• Buses
Lothian Region Transport: 0131 555 6363
First Edinburgh: 0870 608 2608
• Taxis
City Cabs: 0131 228 1211
Central Radio Taxis: 0131 229 2468
Capital Castle Taxis: 0131 228 2555 or 0131 220 0604
• Trains
National Rail Enquiries: 0845 748 4950
• Airport Information
Edinburgh Airport: 0131 333 1000
Local Travel Information
• Bus and rail information for Edinburgh, East Lothian & Midlothian
Traveline: 0870 608 2608
Confirmed Attendees
Alex Schlicke, Geddes Consulting
Andy Kerr, Edinburgh Centre for Low Carbon Innovation
Elizabeth Bomberg, Department of Political Science, University of Edinburgh
Jelte Harnmeijer, Sustainable Community Energy Network
Martin Turner, FROST
Nick Lyth, International Resources & Recycling Institute
Nicola McEwen, UK Energy Research Council ENGAGE programme and Department of Poitical Science, University of Edinburgh
Phillip Bruner, Sustainable Community Energy Network
Vijay Bhopal, Sustainable Community Energy Network
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