Kickstarting the Local Renewables Revolution
Leading experts from Anderson Strathern's Renewables, Energy and Cleantech team invite you to join them for a comprehensive step-by-step guide to overcoming the legal hurdles in taking a small scale renewables project from the 'good idea' stage to profitable generation.
The seminar is aimed at community groups, charities and housing associations contemplating taking forward a project, and any other small scale renewables investors and developers, together with those advising in this sector.
Andy Kerr, Executive Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Climate Innovation, will deliver the key note presentation followed by Anderson Strathern, who will address the key hurdles in developing a project, including:
- Governance and legal structure with a particular focus on charitable status;
- issues - options and leasing;
- Planning and environmental hurdles;
- Funding;
- Grid connection and construction.
9:00am - 1:30pm, Wednesday 12th of June 2013
Anderson Strathern, 1 Rutland Court, Edinburgh, EH3 8EY
Click here for more information and to register.
SCENE Presents Winds of Change, with Dr Maitland Mackie and Director David Graham Scott
Why are renewable energy developments still treated with suspicion?
Is local ownership undervalued?
Is the battle against NIMBYism being lost?When?
18:00 - 20:00, Thursday 13th September 2012
Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, 15 South College Street, Edinburgh.
Click here for a map. To reserve a space at the event click here.What?
This evening, we look to tackle the increasingly controversial questions surrounding wind-development in Scotland. To guide our conversation, we will be joined by two eminent figures who have thought hard about these issues: Dr Maitland Mackie BSc Ag, MA Hons Econ, DBA, FRAgS, CBE, LLD, owner and Chairman of Mackie's; and Glasgow-based documentary film maker, David Graham Scott.
The night will begin with a short screening of David Graham Scott’s film Arcadia, followed by a Q&A session with the director himself. This will lead us into a short talk by Dr. Maitland Mackie, who will discuss the importance of locally-owned renewable energy.
To find out more about this event and the whole series, SCENE Presents Click here. .
Perspectives on Economics & Energy - Friday 22 June 2012
Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, Edinburgh
The first of a series of informal talks, discussions and debates starts with two guest speakers, Rembrandt Koppelaar and Euan Mearns. To find out more about this event and the whole series, SCENE Presents Click here.
Engaging with Communities in Renewable Energy: A Business Forum
Friday 30th March, 2012 from 09:30am to 4:00pm
Edinburgh Centre for Low Carbon Innovation, EdinburghThe UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC), in association with the Sustainable Community Energy Network (SCENE) and the Edinburgh Centre for Low Carbon Innovation (ECCI), offered business, local authority and academic representatives to:
• Explore examples of community engagement as a key factor in renewable project success;
• Spread ideas of best-practice models for community engagement by the private sector;
• Delve into issues and opportunities in community renewable technologies:Click below to download the presentations from the day
- Community Renewables In Scotland (Bomberg & McEwen)
- The Case for Co-Ownership (Harnmeijer & Harnmeijer)
- How Effective Engagement Brings Business (Schlicke)
- Why Communities Need Allies in Business (Lyth)
Thanks to all who all of those that participated in the day and to all of the speakers and facilitators, all of whom made the event a great success!
For the forum report click here
For the full forum page click here
Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Symposium
Friday 20th January, 2012 from 11:45am to 17:00pm
David Livingstone Centre for Sustainability, University of StrathclydeThe 2020 Climate Group, in conjunction with the University of Strathclyde, will be hosting a half day symposium on the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme to coincide with its introduction. The aim of the symposium is to consider the introduction of the RHI within Scotland, the application process, implications of the RHI for Scotland, and how this affects the development of heat networks in the UK.
ECCI Low Carbon and Innovation Showcase
Wednesday 11th January, 2012 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm
Informatics Forum, University of EdinburghSCENE will exhibit at ECCI’s Carbon Enterprise & Innovation Showcase. An opportunity to exhibit our business to potential investors and business leaders looking for ways to be involved in Scotland’s Low Carbon revolution.
Climate Challenge Fund Gathering
Thursday and Friday November 24-25th, from 10:00am to 4:00pm
Hilton Grosvenor, GlasgowThis annual event brings together communities from across Scotland to looks at ways to support more sustainable living. This year the Gathering focuses on enhancing your projects' performance by looking at the review of the CCF and a Framework for Community Action on Climate Change.
Community Energy Scotland: Annual Conference, 2011
Tuesday October 25th, from 10:00am to 5:00pm
Eden Court, InvernessThis year’s conference is entitled ‘Getting to 500MW: the community role in supply and demand’. The discussions will look at the importance of the community role, consider what is achievable, and how we can get there with key topics including Renewable Energy Generation, Energy Demand Reduction and Renewable Energy Substitution.
Leith Community Energy Day
Saturday October 15th, from 10:30am to 1:30pm
Norton Park Centre, Albion Road, EdinburghThe Edinburgh Community Energy Co-op are hosting a Leith Community Energy Day. Go along to hear about generating green energy locally, hear about exciting energy projects and learn how to save energy in your home.
The first annual Sustainable Community Energy Forum, Thursday 6 October 2011
On Thursday, 6 October 2011 SCENE, with the support of the Climate Challenge Fund and the Public Policy Network, invited stakeholders from all over Scotland to take part in the First Annual 'Sustainable Community Energy Investment Forum'. The main goal of the Forum was to provide an opportunity for people to share their experiences in trying to make Community Renewable Projects (CRPs) work. The Forum also served as a networking hub for community investors looking to expand and improve the sector.
Community leaders, bankers, financiers, developers, legal practitioners, service providers, advisers, consultants, civil servants, academics and activists from all walks of life helped make our first event a big success! On behalf of the SCENE Team we would like to say THANK YOU to all who made the journey – especially those representing communities from afar. Many thanks as well to our panelists and facilitators for their guidance and support.
See the Forum photos.
For a summary of the event click here
For a full report click here.