What is SCENE?
SCENE is an engagement, research and stakeholder networking service for sustainable community energy.
What do we want to do?
We want to understand the trends and barriers in community energy with a view to creating better models of best practice, and to streamline investment into what is currently considered to be a risky sector. Through better research and design we aim to move community energy from a grant-dependent luxury towards a robust investment opportunity, beneficial to communities and investors alike.
How will we do this?
SCENE undertakes high level research which allows for a rounded understanding of community energy in the UK and abroad. We will use our findings to improve the connections between energy investors and sustainable communities everywhere. Our method is to work closely with community champions and key private sector stakeholders, forming alliances which aim to address progress halting issues.
Our niche
Communities everywhere are becoming more reliant on the private sector for creating and financing their sustainable energy projects. But many community champions lack the time, resources and experience required to meet private sector demands. SCENE will help communities to engage full-on with the private sector. We'll promote public-private partnerships which favour community ownership in regions across the globe where government-backed FIT schemes offer the most secure return on investment.
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